Mergers & Acquisitions


Doing deals anywhere requires expert knowledge on the local business culture, economic conditions, and laws of the land. Doing deals in Thailand is no different. For many corporate clients, mergers and acquisitions represents an attractive growth strategy for their business.

At Korpniti, we have been helping our clients expand their business operations for decades and we bring these years of experience to future clients. We can help clients plan and execute their domestic deals in Thailand. Whether a client is an acquirer, a seller, or an acquisition target, our team can help them design an appropriate deal structure, develop an acquisition or disposal plan, and draft transactional documents.

If a client does decide to acquire, dispose of, or merge with another business, there are a number of legal issues that must be secured by experts before a deal can be closed such as antitrust and competition, corporate affairs, financial services, employment, intellectual property, and tax. We aim to deliver an integrated approach across all legal areas related to the closing of a deal.

We can provide clients with the technical expertise and big-picture business thinking they need to develop acquisition and disposal strategies and solutions that have been tried and tested in the Thai jurisdiction.  

We would advise that a prospective purchaser never seriously contemplate or commit to any merger or acquisition deal without first consulting a local lawyer. This represents the surest risk management strategy as the laws that apply in a client’s home jurisdiction could be very different from the laws and business practices applicable in Thailand.  

We can advise and assist clients on a wide range of merger, acquisition, and disposal related matters, including:

  • Acquisitions

  • Bid preparation and bidding processes

  • Corporate governance

  • Deal structuring

  • Disposals

  • Drafting, negotiating, and reviewing all transactional documents

  • Employment issues

  • FDI and brownfield investments

  • Financing

  • Foreign businesses

  • Intellectual property and technology transfers

  • Joint ventures

  • Legal due diligence

  • Mergers and amalgamations

  • Negotiation and strategic planning

  • Permissions and governmental approvals

  • Private equity

  • Regulatory and compliance issues

  • Tax considerations and tax planning

  • Transactional oversight and monitoring