Cannabis Laws in Thailand

The Cannabis Laws in Thailand are continually evolving and changing, are you looking to establish a Cannabis Business in Thailand? At Korpniti & Associates, our team of lawyers specialize in Cannabis Laws and facilitating an array of businesses within the Thai Cannabis Sector. Prior to investing into a Cannabis Business in Thailand, it is crucial […]

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Competition Law in Thailand

1. Overview of Competition Law Competition is generally beneficial for consumers as it keeps products at their minimum price. However, it is essential that a fair process of competition within the free market is protected through legislation. The primary purpose of competition law is to prevent distortion of the competitive process through anticompetitive behaviour such […]

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Alternative Dispute Resolution in Thailand

The conventional form of legal dispute resolution, being litigation, usually takes a long time and can in general be quite hostile. Therefore, parties might instead decide to go with a different form of dispute resolution available in Thailand such as arbitration, mediation, or conciliation. In this article, we will give you a brief overview of […]

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AUTHORIZED RELEASE: Facts Regarding Investment of Red Bull China

Wednesday 24 October 2018 授权发布:红牛中国投资事实情况 Authorized Release: Facts Regarding Investment of Red Bull China คำแถลงการณ์ที่ได้รับการอนุมัติ: ข้อเท็จจริงเกี่ยวกับการลงทุนของเรดบูล ประเทศจีน 严彬先生20余年来首次面对公众,于10月16日对红牛维他命饮料有限公司(“红牛中国”)二十余年发展情况发出正式声明。但目前仍有盗用红牛维他命饮料(泰国)有限公司(“泰国红牛”)名义所作的不实言论和涉嫌违法行为。 On October 16,2018, Mr. Chanchai Ruayrungruang made formal statements in respect of the developments of Red Bull Vitamin Drink Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as “Red Bull China”), which was his first time to address the public […]

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